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Suffering from early aging symptoms? Are you longing to get refreshed and wrinkle-free skin? You do not have to get frustrated anymore because we offer the key solution for your skin-related issues that aids in boosting your confidence and give you the restoring volume you desire! Embrace the new journey toward smooth, uplifted, and volumed skin by experiencing our innovative Body Fillers in Muscat!

What are Body Fillers?

Body fillers are used to increase the volume of body parts, reshaping, contouring, and correcting the unbalanced of body parts. It is a non-surgical procedure that requires no downtime. These fillers aid in enhancing the body’s appearance and address the irregularities in body shape and lost volume. Body fillers are also used by men for correcting the upper body and contours of the muscles and abs.

How can Body Fillers Improve my Appearance?

It can improve your appearance by addressing your issues and contributing in:

  • Provides a balanced and defined silhouette
  • Enhances the volume of the lips and provides plumper lip
  • Boost the volume of your cheeks which makes you classy
  • Uplift the body parts that make your physique tempting
  • Smoothens the gathers and lines, which gives you the youthful look

Treatment Considerations:

The following are the treatment considerations:

  • In-depth folds
  • Lip augmentation
  • Smile lines
  • Frown lines
  • Eye bags and cheeks 
  • Wrinkles and creases
  • Loss of volume of body parts

What are the Benefits of Body Fillers?

The benefits of the treatment are as follows:

  • Increases volume
  • Less time consuming 
  • Natural looking effects
  • Required no downtime
  • Provide balance silhouette
  • Remove the wrinkles and gathers 
  • Gives a more youthful appearance

Targeted Areas:

  • Cheeks
  • Lips
  • Buttocks
  • Breast 
  • Face

Who is the Perfect Candidate?

The perfect candidates are those who have the following symptoms:

  • Sagging skin
  • Wrinkles 
  • Frown lines
  • Loss volume
  • Drooping body


You are ideal for this treatment if you meet the given criteria:

  • If you want to get a contoured silhouette
  • Desire to have smooth and radiant skin
  • You are a non-smoker and non-alcoholic
  • Not suffering from any skin disorder 
  • Previous history of bleeding and rashes

Pre Care Instructions:

Here are some important guidelines recommended by the doctor:

  • Thoroughly clean the targeted area
  • Use soap or body wash on the site
  • Avoid aspirin products and ibuprofen
  • Do not use anti-aging products
  • Quit smoking before the procedure
  • Avoid wearing makeup or jewelry


The following steps are involved throughout the procedure:

Initial Session:

Before starting the procedure, you will have a session with your dermatologist to analyze your desired outcomes and the previous record of your health.


After the session, the staff will thoroughly clean your face or the other targeted area to make it bacteria and pollutant-free to prevent any infection.


Then, the injection will be smoothly induced underneath the skin and gently pushed the solution inside the skin.


After the injection. the targeted site will be cleaned again.

Soothing Cream:

The soothing gel is applied to the targeted area and massaged for 5-6 minutes to make you comfortable and reduce the swelling.

Post-Treatment Care:

The important post-treatment guidelines are included:

  • Keep your body hydrated
  • Use ice packs to reduce pain
  • Take suggested medications
  • Keep the site clean and dry
  • Avoid direct sun exposure
  • Stop eating salty and oily foods


The recovery time for this treatment is about 2-3 days after the procedure. You may be expected pain, swelling, and discomfort but the use of medicines and following the proper guidelines help to subside these minimal side effects.


The effects of the treatment are immediate but the final results will be seen after the complete recovery. The results are long-lasting and last for years. The results of the procedure provide a natural-looking appearance and enhanced body volume.


The cost of the Body Fillers in Muscat begins from xxx to xxx. The price will be finalized after the first meeting when you visit our clinic.

Factors Affecting the Cost:

The factors that are involved in the fluctuation of the price are:

  • Brand of fillers
  • Duration of treatment
  • Expertise of doctor
  • Area of the treatment

Consider us!

Consider us as we are offering non-surgical methods to get even skin, a radiant appearance, and a wrinkled face. We have sufficient and substantial specialized doctors who have experience in this field. Our proficient crew and experienced team are there to help you accomplish your nostalgic appearance, plumpy lips, and fuller cheeks.

Book us now and get a Rejuvenated Appearance!

Want to regain your confidence in your looks? Let’s begin a new journey toward a confident and rejuvenated self by booking an appointment at Enfield Royal Clinic, we are offering you the opportunity to enjoy a life as you desire through this new method of restoration. Feel free to contact us if you have any queries about  Body Fillers in Muscat!

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